Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Boris goes to Los Angeles, whilst Ken goes Caracas

I find it truly amazing that Ken Livingston had the nerve to turn round and criticise Boris for going to LA to discuss policing policy with Lee Baca. Fair enough Lee Baca has been too celebrity friendly but if a place is going to be celebrity friendly it's going to be LA.

Surely the more important part of the equation is that Lee Baca has started to have an impact upon the gun, drug and gang problems in the city. Given that London shares these problems Boris is absolutely right to seek Lee Baca's council.

But still Ken turns round and has a go at Boris. This is the guy who goes off to discuss policy with Hugo Chavez - a leader who may not be friendly with celebrities but does love brutality, corruption, cronyism and autocracy. Then again I guess has a lot in common with this approach to government.

So carry on Boris! You're clearly doing very well and the Ken camp in clutching at straws!

1 comment:

Carl Malways said...

I like this...you are nice.